
Mechanical testing

PTC KRKA KNIN was founded in year 2005 and since then it is starting slowly to develope it’s todays business. The Laboratory is fully organized according to HRN EN ISO / IEC 17025 and has all the necessary resources for its operation. Company is part of DIV GROUP and operates independetly regarding its services, thus achieving objectivity and credibility of its test reports. The laboratory is capable of testing the mechanical properties of metal materials and fasteners in the area.

Company P.T.C. KRKA KNIN has production machines and lab equipment for testing on Knin and Samobor locations.

The main activities of our Lab for mechanical testings for our needs, DIV GROUP d.o.o. needs and outside needs are as follows:

  • Testing of mechanical properties of materials
  • Testing of mechanical properties of fastening products
  • Testing of the thickness and quality of galvanized and hot zinc coatings on steels

The scope of testing, as well as methods used in our lab that has been accredited according to HRN EN 17025:2007, can be found on the certificate issued by HAA.

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